Today's post is about smoke and mirrors. Well, actually, it's about the power of shoes. For those of you who have wondered why I have so many pairs of shoes, today provides the answer: because the right shoes can distract people's attention from a not-very-inspired outfit. Or, in this case, from a really, extremely uninspired outfit.

This morning when I woke up, all I could think about was how much my head hurt (due to the truckload of concrete that had been dumped into my right sinus cavities by the evil and sneaky Sinus Cold Faeries while I slept). Thus, I could not bring myself to be very creative with my outfit and found myself falling back on this:

Key to the success (if, indeed it is successful...) of the look is the fact that fun tights and groovy shoes make people think I have made far more of an effort than I actually have. In fact, I am wearing a skirt and sweater and, if you look closely, am doing a better-than-fair impression of that other famous Velma, Scooby Doo's Sapphic companion.... {Note to self: get new haircut.} BUT, despite my striking resemblance to a 70s cartoon character, and in addition to many compliments on my shoes, I got one "You look nice" (M) and a "Look how cute you are!" (BMad), proving that a little sleight of hand (sleight of foot?) can go a long way to covering up for even the most boring ensemble. I even fooled a large number of people into thinking I had on new shoes, though the truth is I have worn them many times over the past three years.
What it all entailed:
Tights, The Green Room
Sweater, Smart Set
As usual, surf over here for better pix-- tried to use the Mac to solve problem of flickr pix not showing up on blogger, but with no success.
1 comment:
I don't remember you buying those shoes with me. They are fabulous and why oh why didn't i buy some.
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