Another glamourous and soignee exam-marking look today.
(Note the evolving horror that is my bed-head... Stylin'!)
This one involves a sports bra, a Joe Fresh $9 t-shirt and faux-yoga pants from Smart Set.
I also went for a walk this morning, thus the multi-purpose get-up.
Which brings me to the IMPORTANT topic of sweats and yoga wear.
These items, as is cleverly denoted in their monikers, are to be worn in public
for sweating and/or doing yoga
(or otherwise exercising).
(What we do at home in them is our own business, right?)
The following is a list of inappropriate public places or occasions for wearing sweats or yoga wear:
If you are leaving the house, for purposes that are other than sweating or doing yoga,
please wear proper clothes.
NOT with flip-flops.
Don't get me started on flip-flops.
Ever wonder why French women are known for their style and chicness?
Ever seen one out in public in sweats or flip-flops?
I rest my case.
I mean, really, ladies, let's all just have a little self-respect.
I disagree my friend YYZ.
I believe one should wear what makes one feel good and sometimes that may mean oven mitts as socks.
To each is own is really my advice :)
PS J agrees with you, but such an urbanite as J would :)
I am sticking to my guns. I have never seen a photo of myself looking god-awful and been comforted by the fact that at least I was comfortable in my hideous outfit.
Life's too short and the world is ugly enough already: the least we can do is try to make it a little more aesthetically-pleasing.
I totally support oven mitts as socks. At home. In private. :)
My mother went into a tailspin when she read this entry: she is planning to wear yoga gear on our flight to Paris. I told her that is fine and quite acceptable (though in my heart I long for the golden age of air travel, when people got dressed up!)-- I also plan on incorporating comfy stuff into my get-up for the overnight to Paris. (Maybe not yoga pants--I just don't have the butt for them and feel squirmily uncomfortable when out in public in them...)
So I guess I should have included long flights as acceptable places to wear yoga gear. Relax, Mum-- you always look great!
I travel a lot. In fact in the last 6 weeks I've done 2 transatlantic flights so I am getting really rather used to it. So here is my advice for YYZ's Mum. I believe in comfort especially on transatlantic trips. If you aren't comfortable you will arrive even more tired than you will already feel and it will be hard to do a good day of shopping.
Here are my tricks
- underwear MUST be comfortable
- trousers MUST be roomy and warm. Yoga pants are perfect.
- NEVER wear a dress or skirt unless you want to freeze
- layer - again, I find the flights are freezing
- comfortable shoes as your feet will swell. I always take my shoes off
- extra pair of socks again I freeze
Now that being said all the above can be nicely co-ordinated so you still look great.
As YYZ says you always look great.
May I add to the excellent list submitted by LHR? I NEVER go on a plane without a HUGE pashmina for snuggling up and feigning sleep(the only one that really works is the first one I ever bought, in Paris, many years ago. A faux pashmina-- I have several hundred of them-- will not work: the silk/cashmere combo is essential for lightweight warmth, a must for air travel.).
I'd also like to point out that I have picked LHR up from trans-Atlantic flights many times and, even when she wears LINEN TROUSERS (!!How the HELL does she pull that off????!!!), she emerges looking rested and elegant. I have no idea how she manages it, but she seems to have mastered that effortlessly elegant thing that seasoned travellers do. Me? I am the hobbit who is continually spilling her drink, dropping her book, elbowing her neighbour, getting up 38 times to pee, rustling and fustling in her way-too-big purse-full-of -stupid-ziploc-bags of contact solution, Tylenol, lip stuff, toothpaste, etc, etc, etc.... I emerge looking like I have just lost the Battle of Waterloo.... Sigh...
I do wear skirts or dresses sometimes; I wear them with (waistbandless) tights or leggings and, if I am wearing shoes with bare feet (think trips to California in June), I bring BIG cozy socks to wear on the plane. I don't mind taking them off to put my shoes on when I go to the 'loo. I know they say never to take your shoes off on the plane, but, like LHR, I do.
All that said, I HAVE worn yoga wear on the plane (then I saw a photo of myself at the airport and thought, "SURELY there must be a better way!" because I look horrendous in yoga wear... ) Still, am seriously considering it for upcoming Paris trip.... Who put Europe so bloody FAR AWAY, anyway? I like flying to New York: I can dress like a human and arrive looking and feeling like same.
Hmm... I feel a blog post coming on....
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