Thursday, April 30, 2009
YYZ: A Little Help From My Friend
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
LHR: Dressing Like YYZ Today
- Start with the dress
- Add colour through tights
- Grab some Mary Janes or a Peak-a-boo toe shoes - or both :)
- Thread it together with matching colourful accessories
- Ta-dah, I'm done!
Here's the elements and photographic evidence. I think some of it works and some could be improved but that is the point of the blog (at least for me).
1. Start with the dress.
What better dress to choose than one that was a castoff by YYZ herself. This little brown wool number is from Zara. I love the fact that it looks good with and without a belt and I never feel fat in it. Thanks YYZ!
2. Add colour through tights
I was going to pick pink, but then was inspired by YYZ's blue tights. So I went with blue [plus I couldn't find my pink ones]
3. Grab some Mary Janes or a Peak-a-boo toe shoes I grabbed these cowboy inspired wedges that blend nicely with the brown flecked wool of my dress. I've had these babies for some time. They're by Seychelles (whoever?). I believe (YYZ correct me please) that I bought them at Winners with YYZ. Have you noticed a theme in my posts? All I have to say is thank Godess for YYZ.
I chose this belt trying to be a bit French (not matchy matchy), but I think the navy and the royal just clash. However, the tortoise shell/bakelite buckle and bangle at least connect those elements.
The belt I bought on Ossington at I MISS YOU with you guessed it -YYZ. The bangle I picked up for £5 ($10 Cdn) which I thought was a good price at a stall in Broadway Market a month or so back.
There you go. Done. Wow, that took a lot of effort. All I want to know is if YYZ has any new castaways for me? I do love this dress.
PS. I just thought that perhaps someone out there who doesn't know us will fall upon this blog and pronounce my Best Friend why-why-zee, but please don't she is why-why-zed.
YYZ: THAT'S better!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
LHR: Illustrating Something Better
So let's see it...
I ended up with something that I thought was a bit Ellen inspired i.e. tuxedo trousers (MEXX) that bags a bit at the ankle (perhaps they aren't supposed to but I kind of like the look) Then I paired it with a cyan blue cotton jersey. This is where I went wrong. In fact I asked J what he thought and he said "booooring". Now J is the master of jeans and t-shirt. He also dresses rather monocromatically so this was a bit of a concern. However, I was frustrated and couldn't go for another look. I threw on a vintage 3-strand beaded necklace brought to me by my gramma and Aunt Ruth and my saddle shoe-inspired flats.
Did it work? No. I looked chubby and the shirt material was a bit too casual for the trousers and I'm sure YYZ would shake her head to herself. I'm feeling a bit depressed.
So since I wanted to share something today. I thought I would share some beautiful 'outfit' illustration by Tania Howells. I found this on her blog and she kindly let me use it for my homework. Interestingly the pattern in the tunic was styled after bricks in an illustration she did. If you know Tania, you know how cute this would look on her. I personally love the socks.

YYZ: Golden Years
Monday, April 27, 2009
YYZ: Rebel Rebel
YYZ: Re-run
Friday, April 24, 2009
YYZ: If I Were a Boy
Thursday, April 23, 2009
YYZ: Serendipity?
LHR: Layered for Heat
Here is how it panned out.
- Wide-legged Black Trousers by Cop-Copine - (sadly, they kind of accentuate my spare tire)
- Black tank top by some mall shop (pick any one)
- Gray cotton jacket by INfo with sculpting neck (amazing deal at £15/$25)
- Black patent (hardly) leather flats (£6 - some cheapola store in Dalston)
- Earrings: Gray baubles, bought in Harrogate as part of wedding fiasco
The one thing I would like to improve is my choice of shoes. (they were only £6 so what do you expect?)
YYZ? Your HONEST thoughts.
YYZ: So NOT French, helas!
YYZ: Spring is in the Air!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
YYZ: Blooper
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
YYZ: Snore Pie...
April 21st, originally uploaded by OblioZen.
... with Yawn Sauce, as Tania would say.
Another wrap dress, though this time with a flirty, flamenco-esque ruffle down the front and around the hem.
Dress & Belt: Winners
Tights: my tights stash
Shoes: Report
Earrings: H&M
You may be able to see the ruffle better here.
Monday, April 20, 2009
YYZ: Headgear
Friday, April 17, 2009
YYZ: Shocker
Thursday, April 16, 2009
YYZ: I have no idea what to wear tomorrow.
LHR: In NYC: I wear black
Like YYZ, I wore a pair of shoes to add some colour. Here it is:
I'm staying in this very cool hotel - Thompson LES. Notice the pattern co-ordination of my tights and the light behind my bed. This was not planned
Jeez... now I'm super late for the party. Ahhh. Fashion is Danger.
YYZ: "A bold step"
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
YYZ: Fashion IS Danger--Footless Tights
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
YYZ: Heading into spring
This week, it seems spring might finally arrive. In the past, I have not been a fan of mixing wintry and springy weight fabrics, but just as dark tights with light shoes have been growing on me lately, so has the whole mixed-weight approach to transitional dressing.
And I love this skirt.
So, I decided to go for it and mix up the seasons a bit, even though doing so meant a rummage through the cedar chest to find the skirt in among my summer clothes.
I started the day with a very wide belt-- a good 4" wide, in fact. But I just end up feeling like the belt is wearing me because I am so short-waisted that it looks more like a shelf for my boobs than an actual belt. I'm no stylist, but I'm pretty sure the latter is not a look anyone should try to carry off...
Shoes: the usual
Tights: um, my tights suitcase...? Maybe Winners?
Skirt: Zara
Belt: maybe Winners?
Turtleneck: this is the one that eluded me last week! Winners
Giant black rose corsage: H&M
More? Over here.