Now it looks like both YYZ and I went for a simple look today. As a result, I only have a few shots as there is not much to detail. As you can see, I wore a colourful (blues, greens and black) jersey dress that I purchased on ... yes, you-guessed it: vente-privee. It's Mexx and is reminiscent of a man's top from the 70s. Imagine that baby with a pair of cream polyester tight ones.
I've paired it with a pair of boots I have had for years and years. In fact, I've had these boots so long that I used to think they were really high. I used to only wear them as 'receiving boots'. As they say, I've come a long way baby. I can now wear these boots all day without pain.
The fact the boots no longer hurt my feet makes me slightly worried. I'm sure the fact that I'm reading Snow Flower & the Secret Fan (where foot-binding and foot breaking is a rather large component of the story) has added to my concern. I know - conversational pinball.
Did you notice, my new earrings? I bought them from a street vendor on Broadway in Soho on my recent trip to NYC. I am trying to increase my quotient of gold coloured jewellery as I'm a silver chick normally.
I really am on to something on this angle. I think I will continue to add a shot like this for the sheer excitement of the twig factor. Maybe this is how tall people see the world.
I am ALL OVER that camera angle and will be adding it to my repertoire soon-- though am concerned about my extra chin.... Hmmm.
Love this look and think the boots are ideal with that groovy dress!
Also, have I mentioned how much I LOVE YOUR HAIR!?
YIKES! Just surfed over to the site for the link to your boots in this post. Um, excuse me? WHY DO I LIVE HERE???? The shoes in Europe (& the UK) are soooo much better. I am looking for comfy shoes for my poor, ruined feet for my trip to Paris and may just need to order them from that site.
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