Why all these questions and these rather uninspiring answers? It must have been as a result of today's choice of a rather formal (at least for the dotcom in East London world) outfit combined with the fact there was no apparant rationale for it. That is at least something I would admit publicly. Yes, it is true I couldn't bear to do another post wearing the the same Dish jeans again. I already had brilliantly solved the same issue earlier this week by posting J's new TEE.
Today, I admit I dressed for YYZ. Sadly, I didn't manage to get one photo of the entire outfit. You'll have to use your imagination and stich these photos together. In addition, I waited to shoot the outfit at the end day. Bad decision when wearing a linen-blend (only 64% linen) skirt which wrinkles and crumples easily. Again, use your imagination to remove the rather crumpled look I acquired through a day of back-to-back meetings topped with a bike-ride home.
Finally - the outfit: I actually think this outfit is a bit formal or too stiff or too *put-together* for me. It isn't really my natural style. I felt like I was playing dress-up. It made me loook and feel rather grown-up (which I am so glad I'm not in real life) like a high powered lawyer or banker (which I definitely am not). It was fun to pretend for the day.
The Details (from the top):
Brown Knit Tank: More & More, Munich
Brass Asymmetrical Circle Necklace: NY Street Vendor
Black Tie Linen/Blend Skirt: Zara Woman bought at random European airport (2-3 years ago)
Salmon Coloured Bobble Shoes**: Richard Tyler, Toronto at Winners with YYZ
** I believe YYZ has a pair of black babies exactly like these ones
I disagree completely. I think this outfit is the epitome of laid-back chic. You can look put-together without looking formal, just as you can look laid-back without wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I think you are elegant without being remotely formal here. I LOVE IT!
I do have those shoes in black. They KILL and I have put them on several times over the winter, only to take them off again 30 seconds later. Ladies, you know they must REALLY hurt my feet because I am usually the first person to suffer painful shoes if the outfit benefits from my pain.
Funny. I felt waaaaay under-dressed and boring and age-inappropriate today. You felt the opposite. :)
While these babies are NOT my most comfortable shoes, they definitely are not the worst. Hmmm wonder if your shoes hit you in a different place.
I think your definition of laid-back chic is correct but for East London (unless you are in banking) it does look crazily *dressed up*
Can't wait to see your opposite day scenario
Those shoes rock, especially in combo with the necklace. I love the whole outfit... especially the tie-belt. You look much more chic than any "high powered lawyer" I know and infinitely more chic than a "no-power-whatsoever-professor" who wears jeans every single day...
Yeah, I think my bunions are the issue in those shoes: they get worse every year and they just KILL the tops of my feet at the vamp. Sigh. I DO love them, though.
Hey! My skirt yesterday was a Zara Woman number, too!
My post from today is below yours: I wrote the draft before you wrote yours and blogger posts in chronological order from the "saved" time.
(Hi, Daph! Remember, it is NOT COOL to let the students KNOW we have no power! Heehee!)
I can't believe I forgot to mention how hilarious it is that you are embarassed to have no social event going on in the evening!
I, on the other hand, rent billboards to advertise on the rare occasions when I DO have something to do in the evening. :)
I was only embarassed because I knew they were thinking "why is she so smart looking" NOT "oh my god she has nothing to do"...I don't really do that much during the week usually but now that it is finally nice. We'll have to spend more time drinking Pimms at the pub.
Ooh. PIMMS. Mmmmmmm.
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