Long have I worshipped at the altar of la Westwood and, one day, I WILL own me one of her fantastic, sculpted and structural pieces.
She is the Queen of Punk but her stuff works for the real world, too.
I adore the paradox of Vivienne Westwood: her own look is utterly individualistic in a totally age-inappropriate way (and yet she makes it seem completely RIGHT), but her clothes are totally proper and strict and punk, and perfectly age-appropriate for ladies of my vintage, all at the same time.
Best of all, she is a proper couturiere, and takes her metier seriously in a way few (relatively) accessibly-priced designers still seem to do.
The woman is part-goddess, part-genius, ALL style icon.
And these shoes may just be the clincher in my love affair with the Divine Ms. W:
Vivienne Westwood + Lady Dragon Blue with Heart" border="0">
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