Sunday, June 21, 2009
LHR: Moving Day
Yes, I'm talking to all 5 of you. We're moving house. You can now find us over here ( at our new home which is still undergoing some renovations but hope you like it better.
See you on Wordpress!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
YYZ: Summer Lovin'
Thursday, June 18, 2009
YYZ: Dante's Inferno
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
YYZ: It's Raining, It's Pouring...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
YYZ: Pomp & Circumstance
YYZ: The Least Wonderful Day of the Year
Sunday, June 14, 2009
YYZ: Hippy-Hippie Shake
YYZ: Working for the Weekend
YYZ: Longing for a Time Machine. Again.
Friday, June 12, 2009
YYZ: Eating my Words
dIy dAy !
It all started because of my Marant jogging pants which have now become an international catastrophe. From Paris to New York, seven hours on Air France’s seat 456A stuck between two babies slobbering all over me, I still haven’t taken them off, and all my friends are saying I look cooler than cool and so I’m really never going to take them off. I’m blissful in my comfort and the cool attitude that comes with ‘em. And what was my life goal? Be cool, not a fool!
This was a miracle that I just needed to keep on giving, and then the most ingenious idea popped into my head one morning. Without a second wasted, not at all awake yet, on the way to go get a coffee, I took a quick detour into AmApp where I found the perfect grey jogging pants, nice and tight. Then I got back home in double time and right in front of the aghast faces of Scott and Tracy, I cut my new pants right straight across, just above the knee, no pomp and circumstance.
I cuffed ‘em, and right away tossed on a pair of orange heels, a stripped t-shirt, a blazer and waited for my thunderous applause, arms up in the air with a V for victory.
30 seconds flat. My coffee was still hot.
And then I was off to do my own parade of “I’m the greatest” : I went to the Alexander Wang resort show where Kate told me that I was supercuuute in my sweatpants, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that Alex had anticipated me doing this and copied me ahead of time. A few days later, Tracy, who had asked beforehand for authorization to copy the idea in due form (I gave her the green light with pride), she arrived with what she was calling the G-sweatpants, a pair of heals and a checkered shirt.
This was too much: I was struck by the most furious lighting strike of pride. The same way Gaultier must have felt when he saw his cone-shaped bras, even if it was out there, for God’s sake, it worked!
I know. In a few months, I’ll wonder what possessed me to wear these. They’ll become part of my collection of pajamas to be ashamed of, the ones you only wear on Sundays to go get magazines you’re ashamed to be reading with a hairstyle sticking up every which way that you’re ashamed to have. In the meantime, and already now, I beseech you, I give you all the green light to go out and copy. And don’t just say “Merci,” noooon. Say: Merci G!
Apparently the look is already catching on in NYC, where Garance committed her act of sweatpant audacity. The cute-as-a-twenty-something-button Jessica Schroeder posted the blurb below on her blog, What I Wore.
On the Lookout:
What I Wore: I’m on the look out for a pair of chic heather gray sweatpants. On Tuesday, one of the Lucky Editors was wearing a pair with a black tee and black high heels. She was tres chic. I mean, tres tres chic. So I’m looking for something a little more harem than yoga pant. Any advice?
Right, so I have to go now-- even though Garance acknowledges that this whole phenomenon will only end in grief and shame, I have some words to eat. :) (And some age-appropriate experiments to do with my own American Apparel so-comfy-they-are-basically-pyjamas sweats...)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
YYZ: Don't You Forget About Me
Viewer discretion is advised: the following is a gratuitous youtube video, totally unnecessary for the content of this post, but included here for LHR's viewing pleasure.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
LHR: Fashion in 2000 AD
At the exhibit, which was amazingly curated and artfully displayed, there were little snippets of the Fashion Television of the 1930s and 1940s. It was called Pathetone Weekly. I loved the old footage, the announcer with the voice (eat your heart out Jeanne Beker) and of course the hats. Then, by coincidence my sister-in-law, sent me this video from the same producer and vintage. I knew it was perfect for our YYZ-LHR. In fact, so did she that's why she sent it. Thanks J!.
This video takes the bold step and asks fashion designers back in the day what fashion will look like in 2000. Now that we are 9 years in to the naughties, what do you think? I love the cantilevered shoes. I also like the absurdity of a mesh top -- it'll never happen!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
YYZ: Channeling Jordan Baker
YYZ: Catatonic
Monday, June 8, 2009
YYZ: A Dress So Nice I made It TWICE!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
LHR: Think Pink
Once again, this outfit (similar to Seasons in the Sun) consists of nothing new except my tank top (vintage 2009). The rest of the get-up spans back a number of summers. I find with summer clothes that I'm rarely true to trends as I have a real issue purging. You'll notice that in my outfits over the next few weeks.
Here goes my Think Pink theme:
Shirt: Pink Gingham Shirt (Oxfam, Dalston High Street, London)
Tank: White Tank (Forever21, New York)
Trousers: TBD, Queen Street West, Toronto (at least 6 years old)
Brooch: Vintage Flower Brooch -- again from the Gramma/Aunt Ruth Salon
Shoes: Silver Ballet Slippers, Venise, London
Ring: square silver band - can not remember where I got it.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
YYZ: Test Anxiety
LHR: These Boots Were Made For Walkin'
First off Emilie is French which explains how she easily paired a funky colourful dress, hip-slung belt and white cowboy boots. As you can see, she looked fabulous.
Emilie tells me that the dress was designed and sewn by a friend of hers. Now that makes it even more interesting. In particular, I love the combination of the streety dress and the cowboy boots with leopard skin detail on the boots. As YYZ often says the French just throw it together and make it work. Emilie is a perfect example of that style.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
YYZ: Glamourati
LHR: Seasons in the Sun
The dress is extremely comfortable and acts as a perfect "throw it on quickly" number. I believe most of this outfit is from New York and as I'm off to New York this weekend, let's call it a tip to weekends in NYC past .
The Details:
Earrings: Vintage (originally, from one of the Rodwell - Gramma or Aunt Ruth probably)
Dress: Baby Blue Line, NYC
Bracelet: Plastic Majong Bracelet, NYC Street Vendor
Shoes: Muxart Mules, London