I read somewhere last year that the bubble skirt was SOOOOO last Tuesday, so I slavishly filed this dress away, vowing not to wear it again.
For some reason, it escaped being relegated to the Value Village bag.
Thus, this morning, when I was completely frantic about finding something to wear, I dragged it out, thinking, "Trends be damned-- I'm desperate!"
I also convinced myself that bubble skirts are twice-retro:
1950s AND 1980s,
two of my favourite fashion eras!
(go here for a fellow blogger's post in which she roundly maligns the bubble skirt and posts photos of some as visual evidence to support her arguments)
In the past, I wore this with leggings (gasp!), but even though the hotly-contested and much-debated Great Legging Ban of 2008 has been frequently flouted by many of my colleagues this year, I am just not ready to die on that particular hill.
I don't like this dress anymore, but I am out of options, so I had to fall back on it.
Green Slingbacks with Kitten Heels (by far the best part of the outfit-- they are lined in green with white polka dots!): Sirens (I know!)
Dress & Cuff: H&M
Necklace: Cobbled together from bits and bobs in my jewelry stash
(Bad hair day. I hate damp weather.)
YYZ... I'm not kidding I love this dress. How is it a bubble skirt? Perhaps i can't see it in the pic. want more details.
Love it and what does the Sirens (i know) mean?
Yeah, I'm not getting the bubble part either.
Love the shoes, tho!
A third voice to say "What bubble skirt"?? But I love the green necklace with the green shoes. You have very fabulous legs. :)
Yeah, kids, you are right: the bubble-ness of it does not show here. Trust me, it is a bubble skirt: the hem loops up underneath so that the edge does not sit flat, rather it "bubbles". I will post a link to a better photo.
In the interim, the hot skirt this season is the "tulip skirt"-- LHR's today was a bit tulip-esque. I cannot wear the style-- it is best on the very long and lean.
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