Wednesday, April 15, 2009

YYZ: Fashion IS Danger--Footless Tights

Centre your photos much?, originally uploaded by OblioZen.

Right, so last year at work, much to my consternation (as you, dear two readers, know), we were forbidden to wear leggings. The hideous thing about this prohibition is that leggings are the ideal transitional piece: a girl can wear her peep-toes or sandals and a pair of leggings with a light tunic or under a skirt or dress and she looks perfectly seasonally appropriate without being too chilly on these not-yet-too-warm spring days.  Added bonus? Ugly, pasty, vein-y winter legs are hidden from view. Everyone wins.

I balked at the ban, but I abided.

This year, I have found the solution: 

Yes, you heard it. They make my inner 80s chick happy, they are NOT banned in the Draconian Dress Code, and they share many of the attributes that make leggings so appealing.

Today, I opted to mix up some plum and silver (with my traditional, snooze-worthy neutrals) and was rewarded with a "You look too hot to be real!" from my reliable gay friend when I arrived at work. He always knows the right thing to say.

Shoes: Seychelles
Tights: Nordstrom
Skirt: Jacob 
(I wear it weekly = I must be less ambivalent about it, right?)
Cami: Smart Set
Cardigan: Girl Friday
Belt: H&M
Earrings: H&M (I think)

You know where to go for more.


Anonymous said...

Footless tights . . . very interesting. They're DANGEROUSLY close to stirrup tights/pants. Good work in skirting (yes, pun intended) the whole leggings ban - what a ridiculous regulation!

I love my Seychelles :)

Nice work!


Anonymous said...

Oh, and I love your Seychelles too!