Wednesday, May 6, 2009

LHR: The Paper Bag Princess

You'll see that I am missing the crucial shot today i.e. the full monty or actually the opposite of the full monty. Well, those shots just didn't look good. (is that telling me something?)

Today I wanted to throw on something quickly as I had to run to work early (was there by 7.00am). So that meant a dress. If ever anyone tells you that anything is quicker, I think both YYZ and I would definitely sit on the opposite side in that debate. I spied this old number in my closet and as I always have been since I bought it (oh so many years ago) I was attracted to it. Why? Here they are in order of importance
  1. It doesn't need to be ironed. It is SUPPOSED to be crinkly and paper bag-like
  2. It hides my tummy (except in today's photos that is why you don't see a full length view)
  3. It only needs one or two accessories and then you are done
  4. Super-duper comfy as no binding waistbands, thus no. 2
Ok, here it is:
Dress: Ca va de soi (based on their clothing here, this dress is no longer in the line-up)
United Nude (read more about my other pair here)
Broadway Market, market stall
: As worn here, New York Street Vendor

You can adjust the hem of this dress. As it is (oh I don't know) many years old, it is not exactly the hemline of the season (what is that anyway YYZ?). So you can adjust slightly by retieing the bows at the left leg. I quite like this feature of the dress. You?

Of course, it goes without saying the piece de resistance is the heel on these shoes. Oh. I've had them for years. J, Aline and I bought them in Paris in 2003 and still feel like they are catwalk material.

I definitely recommend the PaperBag Princess life.


YYZ said...

Love it! Love that dress!
Hemlines are above the knee-- WAY above the knee.
Great for you, but not so good for ladies like me whose legs are less than perfect up there... :)

True-- those shoes will always rock!

KB said...

Shoes are fab. Just as fab as the Mobius pair! I don't think I know that dress.....Can we see a full length shot?

LHR said...

So, good to see you there! I'll upload a shot to Flickr and link to it. I really did have a bit of a tummy showing ;)

I think I only have worn this dress once at work so that's the reason you haven't seen it. Oldie though