Wednesday, May 20, 2009

YYZ: Cheap Trick

Today's outfit, much like most of my outfits, is a tribute to bargain mall shopping. 
In fact, as both LHR and YVR know, I am pretty much addicted to this kind of cheap thrill shopping. It is completely age-inappropriate and, like many addicts, I repeatedly swear off it only to fall off the wagon the very next time I find myself inside the evil environment known as 
As an alcoholic must avoid going into bars, so must I avoid the temptations of malls.... 
Sad, but true.

It is supposed to go up to 28 C today and I have sewing club after school and a ton of errands to run, so I needed to wear something that would get me through all of that without looking too hot and bothered. 
(Always a challenge for me: I get rumpled and sweaty-looking at the drop of a hat.)

Here is what I decided would do the (cheap) trick:

(Sorry about the even-worse-than-usual photo quality: late arrival home = no time to take better photos. Above is one I took before leaving for work.)
Shoes: Report 
(They hurt-- I admit it. They are entirely man-made and so they are not getting "worked in" and rub my toe something fierce.)
Skirt: Zara
Belt: The same one I always wear and yet can't remember where I got it.
T-shirt & Black Peony Corsage: H&M
Earrings: Gift from LHR

G & I were wearing matching outfits today!


Anonymous said...

I would argue that you are one of the few people who should actually be allowed inside a mall since you can weed out the treasures from the trash. You also have a knack for mixing and matching your secret mall finds so that they don't really look mallish at all . . . unlike someone who might rush in and buy the same outfit that the Smart Set manequin is wearing. Bravo!!!

YYZ said...

Thanks, dude. That certainly does cast the whole addiction scenario in a more flattering light. And that's good enough for THIS addict! :)